Perfect plan for your holiday trip

Therefore, it is important to choose tourist attractions that have been covered by insurance.

So that if something happens that is not cool, the tour manager can provide assistance from the insurance.

Never choose a vacation spot that has not been covered by insurance.

With this insurance at least it makes us calmer in a vacation.

Adjust to your character

Choosing a pleasant vacation destination will certainly be different according to each character.

If you are a person who is happy about a calm atmosphere, far from the crowd, maybe the purpose of a pleasant vacation for you is to take a vacation to rural areas, nature tourism, or to the top.

However, if you are a person who is happy about the crowd, maybe the destination of your vacation location is an urban area, to the mall, to the play rides, and others.

Or if you are a person who likes challenges, the purpose of a pleasant vacation for you is to climb, rafting, hiking, diving, and others.


These second tips are almost the same as, where are you domiciled right now?

The distance from your location to the vacation destination that you choose is one thing that is no less important.

If you are currently in the area of ​​North Sumatra, then you plan to choose a vacation destination location to Raja Ampat in Papua.

The question is, is your vacation time enough to travel to Raja Ampat which is about 3600km from Medan?

If the holiday time you have is enough to take a vacation to Raja Ampat, the next thing you need to consider is how much money you have to prepare for a vacation there?

The cost of vacation in a long location, certainly requires a large enough travel cost, as well as the cost of lodging or a good hotel.

Therefore, to choose a pleasant vacation location, distance is what you need to pay attention to.