How to have much budget on Holiday

Take cheap public transportation.

To go to tourist attractions, you need a vehicle.

However, the obstacle that is often faced is that you do not recognize what type of vehicle and which route. If the tourist attractions are close enough, then it is best to take it on foot. But if the distance is far, you can rent a motorbike to save time. In addition, by riding a motorbike, you can enjoy the scenery and free air more during the trip.

Another option is to take public transportation or low-cost transportations. Don't take a taxi because you might break your pocket prematurely. Thankfully, there are people, friends/relatives, who are kind enough to lend their vehicles. Even more extreme, walking like what backpackers usually do.

Visit attractions for FREE

When you travel, of course there are many tourist attractions that you want to visit. So many, you even confused yourself. However, your current budget is limited. To overcome this, go to tourist destinations that do not charge a penny. Is there cooking?

Many guys. For that, you need to collect as much information as possible about cool places that don't require visitors to pay. For example, in Bali there are Kuta beaches, Sanur beaches, and Jimbaran beaches where you can enter freely. You only need to pay a parking fee if you take a vehicle.

Alternatively, you can visit crowded places like South Square in Jogjakarta for example. There you can relax to your heart's content even if it's just hanging out. Or, try visiting an unknown secret beach that has not been widely explored, guaranteed there is no charge.

Just wash your eyes

Don't have money for shopping? Relax guys, you can still be happy even if you don't buy anything. The important thing is that you can enjoy every moment when you are at a tourist spot or during a trip. For example, walking along Legian Street, Bali or Malioboro Street in Yogyakarta where you just look at the collections in shops or window shopping.

Eat at a roadside stall

Hungry on the way? Even though the money is thin, it doesn't mean you forget about eating. Eating is mandatory, guys, so that your body stays fit and does not lack nutrients. Try looking for places to eat on the roadside that are sold by street vendors. To save money, don't eat at tourist attractions because they are usually more expensive.

Bring cash

Even though you bring cash, it doesn't mean you can spend the money as you please. On the other hand, carrying cash is very necessary so that you can manage your finances well. Make sure that you determine how much quota can be allocated per day. Don't let you run out of money just because of unnecessary expenses.

Buy souvenirs only if you are in a hurry

One activity that people often do when traveling is buying souvenirs. It's true, it feels like buying souvenirs is fun especially when you see food or items that aren't in your place of origin. Not to mention if there are friends / relatives who ask to be entrusted. But once again remember, yes… you don't have a lot of money. So, just buy souvenirs as needed and that's done if your desire can no longer be dammed.

Learn from backpackers

A traveler cannot fight alone. Therefore, you can get acquainted with people who like to travel, especially backpackers. Yes, by having backpacker friends, you can get valuable information and tips that you can practice on your own.

Well, now you don't have to worry anymore, you can still travel when your money is tight. Apparently, there are many ways out as long as we want to think and have a business