Holiday more fun and enjoyable



The rapid development of technology and the rapid dissemination of information have changed the pattern of people's lives, don't you think so ?

Beautiful photos on social media, cheap ticket promotion from online ticketing startups, and easy access to the internet will certainly make you want to travel to other places.

Especially seeing your friends often post their exciting holiday activities on social media. The desire to travel is getting hotter but confused about how to become a traveler like them.

So, that you don't make a wrong move, it's a good idea to read the following tips on how to plan a trip for a novice traveler.

See how !

Simply step by step for your holiday preparation and bring you happy weekend and joy life.

Dress selective

You don't have to dress well, but you may need to follow some ground rules. First, do a search first before leaving for your tourist destination.

See how they dress, and what they consider disrespectful. For example, North Americans don't like wearing white socks. Thus, do not use this object when visiting there.

It's okay to maintain your own sense of style, but if you want people to treat you more fairly, then it's a good idea to avoid stereotypes.

Bring enough money

How much cash should you take and in what form? The simplest approach is to forgo travelers checks and large amounts of cash. Instead, take your ATM card and withdraw your money as needed.

Try to withdraw the equivalent of several hundred thousand at a time. This way you don't have to pay a fortune in transaction fees, but if you lose your cash or get robbed then it's not the end.

Most cities and almost all airports are connected these days. One of the best travel tips for beginners is that if you are going to be at the airport or passing through, you should be okay with withdrawing money.


In addition to preparing a budget for travel, also prepare a budget for unexpected costs. Such as a souvenir budget, spare money if you lose something at your destination or even get it stolen, and snack costs if you want to taste typical food that can only be found in the area.


One of the best things about vacations is the anticipatory excitement. Therefore, read every blog you can get your hands on. Buy or borrow a travel guide. Browse forums, go to YouTube and search for videos of some of your destinations.

Be realistic

Don't expect to have fun all the time. Also know that you need to build in a few days to rest. Your first week of running with adrenaline and loving every moment of it, but your body will seek revenge.

Most importantly, don't plan on going to too many places. Many first-time travelers (quite understandably) want to see the world. But don't cram too much.

There's hardly a place you can go that you don't want to spend at least a week. You need to have enough time to do more than just take a few mandatory photos before heading to your next destination.


There is a lot of advice about packing, and most of it concerns the importance of light packing. Bring no more than 3-4 clothes and without exception you will need no more than two pairs of shoes. Then the sandals are counted as one pair. Light packaging is essential, but it's not that simple.

Some of the things an extra traveler would really need include: extra batteries, a map, a deck of cards, a flashlight, plastic cutlery, duct tape, a laundry bag, and a clothes line. Travel hours can also be very useful.